Sergeant Major Daniel Daly
Daniel Joseph Daly served in the United States Marine Corps from 1899 to 1929. He is most well known in the Marine Corps for being one of two marines to have received two Medals of Honor during his career. He earned his first during the boxer rebellion in China when China decided that all the foreigners should be killed. Corporal Daly volunteered to defend from a forward position the embassy which held thousands of civilians consisting of Americans, American allies, and Chinese Christians. Against all odds, he single-handedly defeated over 200 enemy combatants, preserving many civilian lives. Daniel Daly earned his second medal of honor from leading his detachment to victory after being completely surrounded by the enemy during the Banana Wars. Daniel Daly is also known for his quote, "Come on you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?" This was his battle cry before charging the enemy, who as that point had the entire Marine detachment pinned under machine gun fire. The Marine Corps won this battle at Belleau Wood, which was the turning point of World War 1, the first major success in gaining back lost ground.
Daniel Daly's actions are important to remember for several reasons. For civilians, Daly's actions should serve as a reminder the tough situations Marines are willing to place themselves in on behalf of the nation. When civilians acknowledge heroic action, they give that edge of inspiration to the combative to perform above and beyond standard expectations. Daly's actions are important to the U.S. Military because they set a "will to win" attitude which all friendly combatants should strive for. Daly's actions are important to the United States Marine Corps because they define the very spirit of the entire organization.
The completed montage is designed to convey multiple feelings. It will serve as a commemoration of a man who is not lost in history, but who lived only a few decades ago. The image will require elements to convey bravery, loyalty, and awe to the beholder. The image will also require colors that convey patriotism and life. Daniel Daly's nature encapsulated all of this.
Daniel Daly's image will of course be used as the centerpiece to draw the focus to him as a man. The USS Daly -the Navy fletcher class destroyer- will be placed behind him in the picture because it was named after him. Notable medals which Daly has earned will be placed on the image to establish the legitimacy of Daly's actions to military personal who view this image. Daly's name, birth and death dates will be placed on the image to portray the image as a commemoration. An American flag will be used to color the image, bringing life to the picture. This ensures Daly is not perceived as some lost historical trivia, but instead as a man who may have been alive only yesterday. As a final touch, a quote will be found and used that expresses bravery and loyalty on behalf of Daniel Daly.
Croix de guerre. Colours of Honour. Website: http://coloursofhonour.ca/
Daniel Daly. Wikipedia: daniel daly. Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Distinguished Service Cross. Website: The tomb of the unknown soldier. http://www.wtv-zone.com/Mary/
Medal of Honor. Wikipedia: daniel daly. Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Médaille militaire. Les principales médailles. Website: http://ancre.chez-alice.fr/
Navy Cross. Sodahead. Website: http://www.sodahead.com/
Typography. Wikiquote: list of misquotations. Website http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/
USS Daly (DD-519). Navsource naval history. Website: http://www.navsource.org/
American Colors, http://images.chron.com/blogs/
Uss Daly (DD-519) Wikipedia. Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
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